First of all the important part is to know that what Car Polish and Car wax actually does? What is it for?
Basically these products are special chemical formulas and mixtures that helps your car's body paint to look at its best and prolong its life. Some people actually dont apply these products on their cars and use the old school washing techniques and household washing products that are not designed for cars which is why their cars end up like the picture below.
Car Polish
Car polish is a special formula that is designed for removing some of the hardest and difficult road materials like tar, salt, bugs, chemicals etc from your car and to make it look at its best. Car polish should never be removed or buffed off using an electric buffer if you are not a professional because it can remove the protective coat (which protects the paint) and can eventually start removing the paint afterwards.
Car Wax
Car wax is basically a non abrasive coating applied after washing the car. What it does is that it actually covers the cars body paint with a thin milky white layer when buffed or wiped off after applying according to the instructions. This layer fills very tiny and even microscopic scratches and dimples in the protective layer of the body paint giving it a presentable eye catching brightness.
You might have come across the round swirl marks that appear on the cars body paint sooner or later which are completely visible when in sun light or when artificial light is applied. The car wax completely removes these marks if applied properly.
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swirl marks before/after side by side |
When to use Car Wax and Car Polish
Both of these products are used after washing the car so wash your car properly and afterwards when it is completely dried run your finger lightly over the cars's body paint to find and feel rough spots and elevated specks. if you find the rough surfaces and irregularities then it means you need to apply the car polish according to the instructions and if the car surface is completely smooth then you only need to apply and remove the car wax.
Difference Car Wax and Car Polish can make
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after car wash with completely removed dust and dirt particles |
Tips for how to wash your car
- Never use Household washing products because they can damage the protective layer on the body paint.
- Wash the dead bugs, bird droppings and other hard marks like paint as soon as possible.
- Never wash your car when body is hot, wait for it to cool down
- If you love your car then stop visiting the automatic car wash and start washing your car with your own hands because your hand will not damage your car paint and automatic car wash will.
- Car Wax is temporary and it might wash away in a couple of months while Car Polish has a much longer life span and does not easily washes away
- If you are applying both these products (Car Wax and Car Polish) after washing your car, apply the car polish first and car wax afterwords.
- Don't move your sponge in circles but instead move it length wise and across the hood and other body panels because circular motion causes swirls marks.
- Use Soft towels
- Dont slide anything on the car that can cause scratches even the shopping bags
- Use clay bar to remove containment which is difficult to remove, all you need is a lubricant (clay spray) and a soft towel.
- And Love your Car or maybe you do love your car that's why you are still reading my horrible English.